It’s always important to stay hydrated—but even more so when you’re expecting! Your body is going through all kinds of changes, and it needs extra fluids to stay healthy. According to the ACOG, pregnant women should drink between 8-12 cups of water each day.
It can be hard to drink that much water, especially if you’re used to only drinking when you’re thirsty. If you aren’t staying hydrated, it can help to download a water tracking app or set an alarm on your phone.
Sure, it might be a hassle to drink that much water, but the benefits are well worth it. Water aids in digestion, helps nutrients circulate in your body, aids in waste removal, and even provides your baby with amniotic fluid and creates its blood supply.
And what happens if you ignore your body’s need for increased water intake? Well, the consequences shouldn’t be taken lightly. Let’s take a look.
There are many complications that can occur if you don’t drink 8-12 cups of water a day while pregnant. You could become constipated, feel ill, and be low on energy—and dehydration could even lead to contractions and pre-term labor.
Even if you think you’re getting enough water, you still might need to up your intake. This is especially the case if you are throwing up often, as you need to replenish the fluids that your body is losing. It’s also the case if it’s hot out or if you are getting lots of exercise. Essentially, if anything is causing you to lose fluids, you need to drink more to avoid dehydration! So, here are some signs of dehydration to look out for while pregnant.
Do you need to drink water to remain hydrated while pregnant, or will any drink suffice? Well, while water is preferable, you can still make other healthy drink choices. For example, you can consume fruit-based or herbal teas, as long as you verify that the ingredients are safe for pregnancy, and have consulted with your Obgyn.
If you are experiencing heartburn during pregnancy, it may help to drink alkaline water. It is safe for pregnant women, and it can help reduce acid reflux!
For more pregnancy tips, make sure to keep an eye on our blog. At Fetal Photos by Cara, we strive to provide women with the resources they need for a healthy, safe pregnancy. It is so exciting to watch your little one grow, and we’re happy to accompany you on your journey!
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